Scuba Diving on Artificial Reefs
About the Program

The DNR already maintains a very successful offshore reef program of 42 sites that provide habitat for marine fish. Using funds from the fee increase in the Saltwater Recreational Fishing License, the DNR is expanding the reef program to inshore waters in order to provide inshore fishermen with better fishing opportunities along the coast.
Diving on Artificial Reefs

The presence of marine artificial reefs has contributed significantly to the growth of recreational SCUBA diving in South Carolina's coastal and offshore waters in recent years. Due to their convenience, as well as the diversity and number of sites available, artificial reefs have become favorite areas for divers to visit. The most popular months for diving are May through October, when water temperatures and weather conditions are the most favorable.
Diving conditions on South Carolina's artificial reefs vary greatly. Visibility and currents are dependent upon existing weather conditions, water depth, distance offshore and tidal stage. Water temperatures most commonly range from the mid 80's in summer months to the low 50's during winter. Popular sport diving activities include underwater photography, videography, shell collecting, spear fishing and sight- seeing.